Madrid /
Madrid /

Contact information:

Ercilla, 17 |



The Sala Cuarta Pared, located in the Embajadores neighborhood of Madrid (home of the project since 1992), has been part of the Madrid Alternative Theater Network since its origin and has become, in its more than thirty years of experience, a space reference in contemporary performing arts. Each season it hosts dance and theater festivals (both its own and external), and clearly supports new dramaturgies and risky or unconventional productions, in response to a heterogeneous and non-elitist audience, which seeks a committed theater.
Almost all of the recent National Theater Awards for Children and Youth have presented their works in Cuarta Pared.
The cultural exhibition, training, production and theatrical research project Cuarta Pared obtained the National Theater Award for 2020, awarded annually by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain.



Programación escolar: SI
Espectáculos programados en la última temporada: 54
Espectáculos infantiles y/o juveniles: 18
Incremento previsto:

Space characteristics:


Habitantes de la población:
Number of rooms: 1
Aforo: 169
Escenario- alto: 4.10m. metros
Escenario- ancho: Entre columnas: 9.60m. Hombro derecho: ancho 2.70m. Hombro izquierdo: ancho 2.40 m. metros
Escenario- fondo: Hombro izquierdo desde fondo hasta columna: 7.80m + 1.20m hasta boca. Hombro derecho desde fondo hasta columna: 7.50m + 1.20m hasta boca. metros



Profile of the person in charge of mediation:

Actions and programs developed:

Accessibility measures implemented:

Audience development:


Motivation to participate:


In what way would you like the circuit to contribute to your project?:

In any other way?:

In any other way?:

Proposed programming:

Booking shows:

Booking shows:

Booking shows:

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