Puppet Center

Madrid /
Madrid /

Contact information:

Seven Eyes Street, s/n |
91 172 59 67



The Puppet Center has the Polichinela Room, a fully equipped show exhibition space with capacity for 80 spectators and 100% accessible. The Polichinela Room is an intimate and cozy space, perfect for small format proposals. The proximity to the artists allows the audience to magically immerse themselves in the show and generate a unique atmosphere.
The stage is an open space at the audience level, and the technique is easy to access and is at the service of the companies. In addition, the room has a dressing room behind the stage.



Programación escolar: SI
Shows scheduled in the last season: 31
Espectáculos infantiles y/o juveniles: 28
Incremento previsto:

Space characteristics:


Habitantes de la población:
Number of rooms: 1
Capacity: 80
Stage - height: 3 meters
Stage - width: 6 meters
Stage- depth: 6 meters



Profile of the person in charge of mediation:

Actions and programs developed:

Accessibility measures implemented:

Audience development:


Motivation to participate:


In what way would you like the circuit to contribute to your project?:

In any other way?:

In any other way?:

Proposed programming:

Booking shows:

Booking shows:

Booking shows:

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