Murcia City Council Performing Arts Area

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Murcia /



The Performing Arts Area of the Murcia City Council is a recently created area (April 2022) in which the eight performing spaces of the Murcia City Council are integrated. Two theaters in the City Center and six smaller format spaces on the outskirts of the city.
The large format theaters would be:
-Teatro Romea: 1,061 seats capacity.
-Circo Murcia Theater: 808 seats capacity.

Smaller-format scenic spaces:
-Bernal Theater: 261 seats capacity.
-Beniaján Auditorium: 288 seats capacity.
-Cabezo de Torres Auditorium: 298 seats capacity.
-La Alberca Auditorium: 296 seats capacity.
-Algezares Auditorium. 289 seats capacity.
-Guadalupe Auditorium: 202 seats capacity.

Complete description in the Dossier of the Theaters and Auditoriums Area of the Murcia City Council.



School programming: YES
Shows scheduled in the last season: 100
Children's and/or youth shows: 98
Expected increase: 1

Space characteristics:


Population inhabitants: 1552457
Number of rooms: 8
Capacity: 773 CIRCUS THEATER
Stage - height: 12 meters
Stage - width: 16 meters
Stage- depth: 10 meters
Room 3 capacity: 215 BERNAL THEATER
Has another space for transversal activities: Yes

Actions and programs developed:

Detected territory agents:

Accessibility measures implemented:

Other accessibility measures: The Performing Arts Area of the Murcia City Council has been working for some time on lines such as accessibility, inclusion and mediation, trying to build a more open, close and accessible culture that reaches more citizens. In the case of the Teatro Romea and the TCM, both spaces have a hearing accessibility system for all the shows in their programming, except concerts (FM system connected to an induction loop or individual loop and amplified room sound with headphones). Likewise, on a regular basis, we collaborate with the Accessible Theater initiative so that several performances of the season are completely accessible, also offering viewers adapted subtitling and audio description service. In addition to this hearing accessibility system, the spaces are adapted and have a reserved place in the stalls for people who use wheelchairs. Likewise, they have other measures and accessibility and inclusion are also present in the programming itself through initiatives such as the Determinants Festival. Performing Arts and Social Action. The so-called inclusive theater (which is discussed in the round table to find formulas that help free it from that limiting label) is also present in the municipal programming, not only with the performances of the Determinants Festival, but also with other shows by companies of the Region with which it has collaborated in the production of said shows, as is the case of Cía Deconné and its show 'The Meerkat's Perspective'. An important milestone in terms of accessibility in municipal spaces was also the implementation in 2019 at the Teatro Circo Murcia of an accessibility system via mobile phone. The Murcia stage was the first theater in Spain to have this system with NaviLens technology, promoted by the Astrapace association and the Neosistec company and financed by the Vodafone Foundation. Through free mobile applications and BIDI codes distributed throughout the theater, information adapted to people with comprehension difficulties, hearing or visual problems is offered. To this end, the information about the theater and its programming has been adapted to easy reading, auditory messages and videos in sign language. Finally, the Performing Arts Area has collaborated for several years in the organization of the Conference on Social Inclusion and Education in the Performing Arts promoted by the INAEM (Ministry of Culture). And, in the same way, the participation of the person in charge of the Area, Juan Pablo Soler, stands out as members of the Inclusion and Mediation Commission of the Spanish Network of Publicly Owned Theatres, Auditoriums, Circuits and Festivals; which aims to be an engine of social cohesion, mutual knowledge and generator of diverse experiences in performing spaces. Teatro Romea The Teatro Romea is equipped with an individual sound amplification system for all performances. This system is made up of: • Amplified sound with headphones, which allows the viewer, whether or not they wear headphones, to listen to the performances with higher quality and, in general, improve sound reception. • FM equipment valid for INDIVIDUAL MAGNETIC LOOP with induction loop "T" At the entrance of the Theater you can request, FREE OF CHARGE, the system that is best and most comfortable for you. Certain performances, in addition to these sound enhancement systems, may have other systems that further facilitate accessibility and enjoyment of the show: • Adapted subtitling • Audio description • Interpretation in sign language. • People with reduced mobility and wheelchair users have a reserved space in the theater. At the time of purchasing the seat, you must inform the box office staff and indicate that you will be attending in a wheelchair Teatro Circo Murcia The Teatro Circo de Murcia, which has collaborated with Teatro Accesible since 2016, acquired, in 2019, the STARTIT license, a tool that allows you to create subtitles and audio description in live events, with which accessibility can be worked on autonomously from the theater. In turn, the theater has LED screens and is equipped with an FM hearing aid system, which includes an individual magnetic loop and amplified sound with headphones. At the same time, its spaces have been digitally adapted to facilitate the movement of people with disabilities thanks to the NaviLens accessibility system. It has 6 seats for reduced mobility, a number that can be expanded by being able to dismantle seats for normal use and enable as many as are needed for certain activities. Access to the stalls does not have any type of architectural barriers that make it difficult for this type of public to access both the stalls and the amphitheaters by elevator. Teatro Bernal The Teatro Bernal has a space reserved for people with reduced mobility. In terms of accessibility, it has an FM hearing aid system, which includes an individual magnetic loop and amplified sound with headphones. It is also recommended for functions with an overtitling screen, to facilitate a perfect frontal view and maintain an adequate distance, the seats between the 3rd and 7th odd rows of the stalls. Municipal auditoriums The auditoriums that are part of the Area do not yet have accessible technology, although they have had some systems adapted to specific programming. At the same time, they have spaces adapted to wheelchairs. At this moment, work is being done on an accessibility plan for municipal spaces.

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