Programación 2024

Aquí puedes encontrar la programación del Circuito ASSITEJ 2024.  


septiembre 2024


A pact, a secret code, a time capsule, a promise… In 20 years, in the same place at the same time. The old tree house where two friends shared their afternoons of leisure between games, laughter, fantasies and complicity. DistanS talks about friendship: the memories that remain alive in our hearts despite the years. It talks about the fragility of the human being, about break-ups, loneliness, and about the love capable of regenerating and rebuilding our relationships with others. A journey through emotions in a visual and sound space that involves scenes of acrobatic circus and gestural theatre that make up an organic, sensitive and fun show.
21 Sep
octubre 2024


The wings of imagination set us free… when we spread them, we discover a universe of dreams that return images to us, draw our anatomy, play with geometry and show us perspective. They allow us to fly. To see nature (our own, too). And together with dreams, to find our most secret ambitions. A trip on horseback turns us into birds with wings that we secretly desire. And having a fun dinner (that last dinner, which we repeat tirelessly!): Welcome to the game! To the dream!
04 Oct
Theater des Born


A pact, a secret code, a time capsule, a promise… In 20 years, in the same place at the same time. The old tree house where two friends shared their afternoons of leisure between games, laughter, fantasies and complicity. DistanS talks about friendship: the memories that remain alive in our hearts despite the years. It talks about the fragility of the human being, about break-ups, loneliness, and about the love capable of regenerating and rebuilding our relationships with others. A journey through emotions in a visual and sound space that involves scenes of acrobatic circus and gestural theatre that make up an organic, sensitive and fun show.
05 Oct
Plaza Mayor 1 02260 – Fuentealbilla, Albacete

Tillage KidsLamajara

Labranza Kids is the adaptation of the artistic project Labranza for girls and boys. It offers an activity where the main objective is to connect with the rural area through dance. Labranza Kids offers its participants the possibility of experiencing the creative process of a dance show, accompanied by the choreographers and dancers of the Lamajara Collective. Labranza Kids is a proposal designed for girls and boys from 6 to 12 years old that uses the figure of the farmer and the artist to identify the similarities in both fields and see how they coexist. This version of Labranza is approached with a contemporary and conceptual vision of the relationship between “man x field”, “dancer x body”, the landscape of the countryside taken to the geography of the body. A constant comparison of two types of bodies that in their daily lives modify what surrounds them through their movement.
06 – 07 Oct
Platform 47
Santa Fe Street, 9c | Castile and Leon, Valladolid

SWXampatito Duck

An obsessive, square and meticulous character. A unique being surrounded by an endless number of boxes that escape his control and with which he plays to shape his world. From chaos emerges a delirious universe where he invents laughter, creating comic madness and transforming himself into a new being with a new figure.
13 – 14 Oct
Albert Camus Multipurpose Room
Pla de sa Creu S/N | Balearic Islands

CANSD'Click Company

A balance between the animal and the human, a dance between the useless and the beautiful. Three characters build and destroy the present with no other objective than to challenge boredom. They know each other so much that they don't need to talk. They inhabit a world in which something happened, but we don't know what. They look inside cans for a little of that, which multiplies when shared. An invitation to play indifferent to any thought. A moment of shared happiness, with one foot in this world, and another in a land without time.
18 Oct
La Mariola Civic Center
C/ Artur Mor, 1 | Catalonia

a city of shadowslaSala & Com a light

A participatory experience for audiences ages 6 and up that combines urban dance, contemporary culture, manipulation of objects and playful experimentation with the physics of color and light. A city of shadows is a declaration of intentions of how hybrid scenes can also be accessible to young audiences and the potential they have as a disinhibiting, exciting, collaborative and pedagogical instrument. A potential, free space, where we will build a city with shadows, colors and rhythms, alive and changing, in which we will play and learn in equal parts with the artistic manipulation of light and contemporary urban dance.
18 Oct
Garcia's Corral
Camino Tejar, s/n 50850 – Santa Eulalia de Gállego, Zaragoza

The goose that lays the golden eggsZum-Zum Theater

Do you like money? A lot? The farmers in this story didn’t waste time thinking about money and always shared the little they had with those who needed it most, but one day a hen came to their farm and laid a golden egg. Can you imagine if this happened to you? THE HEN THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGGS is a story that tells that money is a “fairy tale”.
24 Oct
Salala Paca

a city of shadowslaSala & Com a light

A participatory experience for audiences ages 6 and up that combines urban dance, contemporary culture, manipulation of objects and playful experimentation with the physics of color and light. A city of shadows is a declaration of intentions of how hybrid scenes can also be accessible to young audiences and the potential they have as a disinhibiting, exciting, collaborative and pedagogical instrument. A potential, free space, where we will build a city with shadows, colors and rhythms, alive and changing, in which we will play and learn in equal parts with the artistic manipulation of light and contemporary urban dance.
25 Oct
Puppet Center
Calle Siete Ojos, s/n 28922 – Alcorcón (Madrid)

Memories of MargaritasBUTAKA 13 PRODUCTIONS SL

“Memories of Margaritas” is a story full of vitality and energy, a tribute to friendship that overcomes prejudices and defies expectations. Through flamenco, acrobatics, live music and humor, they begin a journey that goes from the tangible to the unimaginable. Mariana, Lucio and Alfonso discover the love for art as an indestructible bond between them, what really matters is drawn in every guitar note, in every dance step and in every shared laugh. This work reminds us of the beauty of embracing life and the importance of finding the true essence of friendship.
25 Oct


“The Teacher” rescues the image of those educators of the republic who flourished as passionate teachers. Aware that the right to education would make us a better society, those women worked with enthusiasm and freedom. Their unwavering vocation made them dream and work for a school open to everyone, with innovative methodologies, based on the ideal of human solidarity. Therefore, the protagonist of our story will be a brave village teacher who, in addition to teaching, believes in her students. She revolutionizes the functioning of the school. She breaks with a gray past and feels part of an unstoppable change. However, this situation will not last more than a few years. One hot summer day, the poets and teachers will be punished for their generosity, passion and, above all, for their love of freedom. The war will frustrate the educational project they were building. Our protagonist will be forced to flee with her students, hoping to save their future. We also do not want to forget the other protagonists of this story: the innocent children who had to leave their homes fleeing from a sad war. These boats full of children in search of shelter and refuge are precisely what triggered our need to build this story. Inspired by the aesthetics of animal fables, we have created our own imaginary for “The Teacher” where a friendly group of animals will bring our characters to life. We will place these concepts and historical facts in the structures and narratives of traditional tales, so that children and adults can travel through this story full of emotion, humor and love. The teacher reaches our seats today through her students, her teachings and her town, reminding us of the value of education and freedom in the face of barbarism.
25 Oct
Garcia's Corral
Camino Tejar, s/n 50850 – Santa Eulalia de Gállego, Zaragoza

No moonColors Samfaina

Sunset. A girl waits for the moon, singing and playing her instruments to create the harmony of the night. When the music grows, the moon grows. When the music becomes dark, the moon fades. An owl and a wolf accompany this sweet movement of the moon's swing. Dark night. No moon. No moon is a reflection on harmony and universal balance through music. The lunar phases allegorically represent the cycle of life. We claim the moonless moment as beautiful and necessary. Darkness symbolizes introspection, reflection and calm. What emotion invades us when we are in this fragile moment of No moon? A show without text where music is the language to communicate the feelings and emotions that guide us on this evocative journey. Visual delicacy and live music. An ideal opportunity to delve into the beauty and magic of the night.
27 Oct
AAEE Murcia City Council
Enrique Villar, 11 | Murcia

Memories of MargaritasBUTAKA 13 PRODUCTIONS SL

“Memories of Margaritas” is a story full of vitality and energy, a tribute to friendship that overcomes prejudices and defies expectations. Through flamenco, acrobatics, live music and humor, they begin a journey that goes from the tangible to the unimaginable. Mariana, Lucio and Alfonso discover the love for art as an indestructible bond between them, what really matters is drawn in every guitar note, in every dance step and in every shared laugh. This work reminds us of the beauty of embracing life and the importance of finding the true essence of friendship.
30 Oct
La Mariola Civic Center
C/ Artur Mor, 1 | Catalonia

SWXampatito Duck

An obsessive, square and meticulous character. A unique being surrounded by an endless number of boxes that escape his control and with which he plays to shape his world. From chaos emerges a delirious universe where he invents laughter, creating comic madness and transforming himself into a new being with a new figure.
31 Oct
Garcia's Corral
Camino Tejar, s/n 50850 – Santa Eulalia de Gállego, Zaragoza

AHAB, trip to hellPercussion Theater

There was a distant time when all the candles, lamps and tapers that burned in the confines of the globe did so with whale oil. Light, adventure and money, but also darkness, loneliness, fear, hate and revenge. Teatro Percutor presents 'AHAB, a journey to hell', a free, creative and artless version of Moby Dick. We will not see her, although she invades the entire stage. And the deranged voice of Ahab will merge with the wind and the thunder. The object and its poetry will envelop us in a powerful reflection on what happens in the sea and what remains there, on the pleasure and obsession that men feel in subduing Nature and on the changes of course that take us away from solid land. Prepare to discover a theatre of (many) things and travel to a place that is not on the maps. True places never are.
31 Oct
Trigueros Municipal Theatre
Pacific S/N | Andalusia Trigueros
noviembre 2024

My solitudeGuillem Albà

GUILLEM ALBÀ's new show is a return to his roots: his characteristic visual universe. This time through puppets and small-format comedy, and a vibrant collective experience of proximity. Twenty-five minutes of journey from comedy to poetry, with his hands as the starting point. This part of the body that brings us back to the tangible, everyday and artisanal, and reconnects us with the community. Hands that have created most of the things we use. Hands that have unleashed the most sublime beauty and the most terrible atrocities. Hands that tell the stories that have united us for so long. To claim them so that they are not left alone and forgotten among so many keys, screens and information overload. An experience to remember the importance of the human, simple and shared. This artisanal show of humor and emotion adapts to the uniqueness of each space. A short piece with an intimate format both indoors and outdoors. FETEN Award for Best Small Format Show 2023 Best Performance Award Fira Titelles de Lleida 2023 Best Show Award Fundao Iberian Theatre Fair (Portugal) 2023
08 – 09 Nov

Soul GeometryPLUS Theater/Olga Zeceva

“Geometry of the Soul” is a fusion of visual theatre, contemporary dance and object manipulation that expresses the relationship between simple geometric shapes and the human body, a body that will try to give soul to geometry in order to understand the geometry of the soul that is within it. An alternative theory to the beginning of the universe and the evolution of forms and life until reaching the perfect being.
08 Nov
Trigueros Municipal Theatre
Pacific S/N | Andalusia Trigueros

LIBRARY OF ROPES AND KNOTSJosé Antonio Portillo Vesga

“LIBRARY OF STRINGS AND KNOTS” “Library of unpublished manuscripts” “Library of texts, scores, drawings, designs… found in the trash. NARRATIVE SPACE. It is not a contemporary art installation. It is not a theatrical show. Or maybe it is. It is a circular wooden structure where narratives live that will be shown to the public after a silent dialogue between the viewer's gaze and the objects that live inside. Time has been depositing events and objects, fragments of life and dust on its shelves. Traces of a time whose protagonists in most cases have been children.
09 – 13 Nov
Puppet Center
Calle Siete Ojos, s/n 28922 – Alcorcón (Madrid)

The goose that lays the golden eggsZum-Zum Theater

Do you like money? A lot? The farmers in this story didn’t waste time thinking about money and always shared the little they had with those who needed it most, but one day a hen came to their farm and laid a golden egg. Can you imagine if this happened to you? THE HEN THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGGS is a story that tells that money is a “fairy tale”.
10 Nov
Albert Camus Multipurpose Room
Pla de sa Creu S/N | Balearic Islands

CANSD'Click Company

A balance between the animal and the human, a dance between the useless and the beautiful. Three characters build and destroy the present with no other objective than to challenge boredom. They know each other so much that they don't need to talk. They inhabit a world in which something happened, but we don't know what. They look inside cans for a little of that, which multiplies when shared. An invitation to play indifferent to any thought. A moment of shared happiness, with one foot in this world, and another in a land without time.
15 Nov
Outes House of Culture Auditorium
Avda. San Campio, 1 15230 – Outes, La Coruña

No moonColors Samfaina

Sunset. A girl waits for the moon, singing and playing her instruments to create the harmony of the night. When the music grows, the moon grows. When the music becomes dark, the moon fades. An owl and a wolf accompany this sweet movement of the moon's swing. Dark night. No moon. No moon is a reflection on harmony and universal balance through music. The lunar phases allegorically represent the cycle of life. We claim the moonless moment as beautiful and necessary. Darkness symbolizes introspection, reflection and calm. What emotion invades us when we are in this fragile moment of No moon? A show without text where music is the language to communicate the feelings and emotions that guide us on this evocative journey. Visual delicacy and live music. An ideal opportunity to delve into the beauty and magic of the night.
15 Nov
Theater des Born

AHAB, trip to hellPercussion Theater

There was a distant time when all the candles, lamps and tapers that burned in the confines of the globe did so with whale oil. Light, adventure and money, but also darkness, loneliness, fear, hate and revenge. Teatro Percutor presents 'AHAB, a journey to hell', a free, creative and artless version of Moby Dick. We will not see her, although she invades the entire stage. And the deranged voice of Ahab will merge with the wind and the thunder. The object and its poetry will envelop us in a powerful reflection on what happens in the sea and what remains there, on the pleasure and obsession that men feel in subduing Nature and on the changes of course that take us away from solid land. Prepare to discover a theatre of (many) things and travel to a place that is not on the maps. True places never are.
15 Nov
La Mariola Civic Center
C/ Artur Mor, 1 | Catalonia

LONGKernel Dance Theater

LÓNG [|ˈlɒŋ| long (English): long/ 龍 lóng (Chinese): dragon] contains multiple meanings, as it is a word whose reading and meaning varies according to each person’s origin and cultural context. The piece has the traditional figure of the dragon as its conceptual and movement axis and is a reflection on the limits and borders with which we live within a society that is constantly changing and transforming. Through dance, visual poetry and soundscape, Kernel Dance Theatre presents a show that transports the spectator to a space where the boundaries between cultures crack.
15 Nov
AAEE Murcia City Council
Enrique Villar, 11 | Murcia

The smallest houseYARLEKU – THE POINT

“With a suitcase, a small apple tree and the desire to return soon, Bettina leaves her home and family behind to take a break from the sound of bombs and the fear caused by war. When she arrives at her “new home”, a refugee camp, she realises that nothing is as she imagined. Norma, another girl in the same situation, will accompany her in this story and both will end up forging a friendship that will allow them to face the difficulties they have to face to survive.” The show addresses the uncertainty, uprooting and vulnerability experienced by refugee children who, after leaving their home without their families, find themselves alone without knowing what their destiny will be. IF A HOME IS THE PLACE WHERE EVERY PERSON LIVES WITH A SENSE OF SECURITY AND CALM, WHAT IS THE MINIMUM UNIT NECESSARY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN? PERHAPS A HUG CAN BE THE SMALLEST HOUSE.
19 Nov
Salala Paca

The goose that lays the golden eggsZum-Zum Theater

Do you like money? A lot? The farmers in this story didn’t waste time thinking about money and always shared the little they had with those who needed it most, but one day a hen came to their farm and laid a golden egg. Can you imagine if this happened to you? THE HEN THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGGS is a story that tells that money is a “fairy tale”.
24 Nov
AAEE Murcia City Council
Enrique Villar, 11 | Murcia

You and IDa.Te Danza

“You and I” is a unique journey that explores how boundaries and limitations can become powerful drivers, establishing a connection between me and you, you and I. At its core, this show embraces all forms of diversity – for us, diversity is not a label, it is a celebration of the multiple ways we all experience the world. Designed especially for early childhood, this show opens up a world of possibilities for babies, children (6 months and up) and families. At “You and I” we celebrate diversity and make inclusion our norm. With the motto “A sensitive show for a diverse audience,” our mission is to generate a creative and welcoming space where everyone – including babies, children and people – feels supported, understood and fully integrated into the experience. We want everyone to take ownership of this stage, where diversity is the force that drives our shared narrative and where every voice finds its place.
24 – 25 Nov
Platform 47
Santa Fe Street, 9c | Castile and Leon, Valladolid

LONGKernel Dance Theater

LÓNG [|ˈlɒŋ| long (English): long/ 龍 lóng (Chinese): dragon] contains multiple meanings, as it is a word whose reading and meaning varies according to each person’s origin and cultural context. The piece has the traditional figure of the dragon as its conceptual and movement axis and is a reflection on the limits and borders with which we live within a society that is constantly changing and transforming. Through dance, visual poetry and soundscape, Kernel Dance Theatre presents a show that transports the spectator to a space where the boundaries between cultures crack.
29 Nov
Trigueros Municipal Theatre
Pacific S/N | Andalusia Trigueros
diciembre 2024

You and IDa.Te Danza

“You and I” is a unique journey that explores how boundaries and limitations can become powerful drivers, establishing a connection between me and you, you and I. At its core, this show embraces all forms of diversity – for us, diversity is not a label, it is a celebration of the multiple ways we all experience the world. Designed especially for early childhood, this show opens up a world of possibilities for babies, children (6 months and up) and families. At “You and I” we celebrate diversity and make inclusion our norm. With the motto “A sensitive show for a diverse audience,” our mission is to generate a creative and welcoming space where everyone – including babies, children and people – feels supported, understood and fully integrated into the experience. We want everyone to take ownership of this stage, where diversity is the force that drives our shared narrative and where every voice finds its place.
08 – 09 Dic
Albert Camus Multipurpose Room
Pla de sa Creu S/N | Balearic Islands

The smallest houseYARLEKU – THE POINT

“With a suitcase, a small apple tree and the desire to return soon, Bettina leaves her home and family behind to take a break from the sound of bombs and the fear caused by war. When she arrives at her “new home”, a refugee camp, she realises that nothing is as she imagined. Norma, another girl in the same situation, will accompany her in this story and both will end up forging a friendship that will allow them to face the difficulties they have to face to survive.” The show addresses the uncertainty, uprooting and vulnerability experienced by refugee children who, after leaving their home without their families, find themselves alone without knowing what their destiny will be. IF A HOME IS THE PLACE WHERE EVERY PERSON LIVES WITH A SENSE OF SECURITY AND CALM, WHAT IS THE MINIMUM UNIT NECESSARY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN? PERHAPS A HUG CAN BE THE SMALLEST HOUSE.
08 – 09 Dic
Theater des Born

You and IDa.Te Danza

“You and I” is a unique journey that explores how boundaries and limitations can become powerful drivers, establishing a connection between me and you, you and I. At its core, this show embraces all forms of diversity – for us, diversity is not a label, it is a celebration of the multiple ways we all experience the world. Designed especially for early childhood, this show opens up a world of possibilities for babies, children (6 months and up) and families. At “You and I” we celebrate diversity and make inclusion our norm. With the motto “A sensitive show for a diverse audience,” our mission is to generate a creative and welcoming space where everyone – including babies, children and people – feels supported, understood and fully integrated into the experience. We want everyone to take ownership of this stage, where diversity is the force that drives our shared narrative and where every voice finds its place.
12 Dic
Salala Paca


“The Teacher” rescues the image of those educators of the republic who flourished as passionate teachers. Aware that the right to education would make us a better society, those women worked with enthusiasm and freedom. Their unwavering vocation made them dream and work for a school open to everyone, with innovative methodologies, based on the ideal of human solidarity. Therefore, the protagonist of our story will be a brave village teacher who, in addition to teaching, believes in her students. She revolutionizes the functioning of the school. She breaks with a gray past and feels part of an unstoppable change. However, this situation will not last more than a few years. One hot summer day, the poets and teachers will be punished for their generosity, passion and, above all, for their love of freedom. The war will frustrate the educational project they were building. Our protagonist will be forced to flee with her students, hoping to save their future. We also do not want to forget the other protagonists of this story: the innocent children who had to leave their homes fleeing from a sad war. These boats full of children in search of shelter and refuge are precisely what triggered our need to build this story. Inspired by the aesthetics of animal fables, we have created our own imaginary for “The Teacher” where a friendly group of animals will bring our characters to life. We will place these concepts and historical facts in the structures and narratives of traditional tales, so that children and adults can travel through this story full of emotion, humor and love. The teacher reaches our seats today through her students, her teachings and her town, reminding us of the value of education and freedom in the face of barbarism.
13 Dic
Outes House of Culture Auditorium
Avda. San Campio, 1 15230 – Outes, La Coruña

Soul GeometryPLUS Theater/Olga Zeceva

“Geometry of the Soul” is a fusion of visual theatre, contemporary dance and object manipulation that expresses the relationship between simple geometric shapes and the human body, a body that will try to give soul to geometry in order to understand the geometry of the soul that is within it. An alternative theory to the beginning of the universe and the evolution of forms and life until reaching the perfect being.
Dec 15
Platform 47
Santa Fe Street, 9c | Castile and Leon, Valladolid

My solitudeGuillem Albà

GUILLEM ALBÀ's new show is a return to his roots: his characteristic visual universe. This time through puppets and small-format comedy, and a vibrant collective experience of proximity. Twenty-five minutes of journey from comedy to poetry, with his hands as the starting point. This part of the body that brings us back to the tangible, everyday and artisanal, and reconnects us with the community. Hands that have created most of the things we use. Hands that have unleashed the most sublime beauty and the most terrible atrocities. Hands that tell the stories that have united us for so long. To claim them so that they are not left alone and forgotten among so many keys, screens and information overload. An experience to remember the importance of the human, simple and shared. This artisanal show of humor and emotion adapts to the uniqueness of each space. A short piece with an intimate format both indoors and outdoors. FETEN Award for Best Small Format Show 2023 Best Performance Award Fira Titelles de Lleida 2023 Best Show Award Fundao Iberian Theatre Fair (Portugal) 2023
27 – 28 Dic
Puppet Center
Calle Siete Ojos, s/n 28922 – Alcorcón (Madrid)
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