Open call to all areas of the national territory who want to develop programming aimed at children and youth audiences.
The call will remain open from January 30 to February 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. (Peninsular time). Applicant spaces must fill the form found at the bottom of this page. To access it, you must first have an account, Those applicants who do not have one must register as users (space registration).

Requisitos de participación para los espacios escénicos
- Be the owner or manager of a stage space where performances take place, or have an agreement with a cultural facility in the territory where the programming takes place.
- Commitment to carry out a programming project that contains a minimum of 6 shows, either 3 shows with 2 shows each or 2 shows with 3 shows each.*
- That the programming of the ASSITEJ CIRCUIT represents a increase over the previous year's programming.
- Have a room with at least 80 locations, although it may be scheduled in other places as long as the exhibition conditions are appropriate and accepted by the companies.
- Select at least one show dance.
- Shows that have been scheduled as part of the programming of the performing space prior to this call cannot be selected.
- Shows cannot be selected only from the same autonomous community where the performing space is located.
- Those companies that are part of or linked in some way to the performing space may not be selected.
- Any other subsidy approved by the INAEM, or by another public body, for the selected programming must be accredited in writing.
The spaces will be able to access a aid of between 65% and 80% of the contracting costs and up to a maximum amount of €13,000 (VAT included).
All programming must be carried out during the year 2024, between the months of September and December.
The spaces will present, through form enabled, a programming proposal with shows selected from the catalog prepared by the valuation commission in the previous phase, available on this website. Information will be requested about the space project, including the mediation line, for its assessment and to facilitate the accompaniment program in mediation and hearing development. The participating spaces will be chosen by a commission after an evaluation process of the projects presented.
The circuit will offer specialized support and accompaniment to the participating spaces for the development of their programming, mediation projects and public service actions.
* Rural populations with less than 6,000 inhabitants will not be subject to this minimum programming.
Criterios de valoración
- Quality and innovation of the project aimed at children and youth presented: description, justification, recipients, balance and variety of styles and formats in the chosen programming and related activities.
- Presentation of a special program to promote the performing arts for children and youth: actions aimed at creating audiences, mediation work in the territory, communication and dissemination strategies, etc.
- Have a person on the team who takes on the mediation work.
- Encourage the participation of boys, girls and young people in programming and in the general project of the space.
- Promote links with entities in the territory (educational centers, associations, etc.).
- Promote measures that have to do with accessibility and/or inclusion.
- Be located in a territory with a programming deficit for children and youth.
- Actions aimed at developing audiences and mediation will be especially valued.
Compromiso de los espacios
- Carry out the programming project presented.
- Have the necessary technical equipment based on the needs and technical issues of the scheduled shows.
- Assume payment of the percentage of the programming that corresponds in each case.
- Provide the documentation required during the circuit.
- Contribute to the dissemination of the circuit both on the web and on the social networks of the stage space.
- Include the ASSITEJ Circuit logo in all promotional graphic material.
- Attend meetings and/or training in mediation and development of circuit audiences.
- In the event of possible changes, cancellations or modifications to the agreed programming, express written authorization from the circuit coordination will be essential.
- Assume the costs of copyrights.
- Submit an evaluation at the end of the circuit. The evaluation model will be provided by ASSITEJ.
Proceso de la convocatoria
The selection of companies and performing spaces participating in the ASSITEJ 2024 Circuit includes 5 phases:
1. Presentation of company applications.
Companies that want to be part of the ASSITEJ Circuit with one of their shows must complete the call form that they will find on our platform. on-line. The deadline for submitting proposals ended on November 24, 2023.
2. Selection of shows by an evaluation commission. Creation of a catalog.
During this phase, all the shows sent through the platform have been evaluated by an evaluation commission, made up of professionals from the sector, who have jointly prepared a catalogue.
3. Presentation of the nominations for the performing spaces.
The performing spaces that want to opt to be part of the circuit with their programming and mediation project must fill out the form available on this website. To To fill out the form you must log in and access your account. Those performing spaces that do not have an open account must open one and register as users. The deadline for submitting the call begins on January 30, 2024 and ends on February 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. (Peninsular time). The programming project presented to the call will include a selection of proposals from the show catalog, which has all the information related to the show and the company.
4. Selection of stage spaces by an evaluation commission.
During this phase, all programming and mediation projects presented by the performing spaces through the platform will be studied by an evaluation commission, made up of professionals from the sector. The selection process will last approximately one month.
5. Final resolution and communication of the participants in the Circuiteither ASSITEJ.
Once all the applications have been reviewed, the final resolution of the programming that will become part of the ASSITEJ Circuit will be made. This communication is expected to take place in March of 2024.
*The ASSITEJ Circuit will be the interlocutor between the selected companies and spaces until the programming is published.
In order to fill out the form you must log in and access your account. If you do not have an open account, you must register as a user.
The realization of the ASSITEJ CIRCUIT is in any case subject to the granting, by INAEM, of the aid intended for this purpose to ASSITEJ Spain.